With a foundation of extensive experience, Traffic Systems Limited (TSL) has been successfully serving the New Zealand transportation systems market since 1994. Our success has enabled us to build a team of experienced and dedicated contractors and project managers, while also cultivating a well-connected global supply chain. Initially focused on traffic signals, TSL has effectively diversified its offerings. Today, we are better equipped than ever to meet the broader demands of radar roadside detection, classification, traffic signals, civil construction, asphalt paving, safety surfacing, bitumen flushing, roadside electronic signs, as well as the hiring of VMS and portable traffic signals (PTS) and comprehensive traffic management services.
Keeping New Zealand Moving
Vision Statement
We contribute to NZ’s economic prosperity by enabling road corridor users to move safely through smart transport networks using our innovative products & services.
Our Mission
We are the preferred supplier in our target markets that builds, operates and maintains smart safe networks using our unique self-perform multi-disciplinary capabilities.
Civil Construction and Traffic Systems Services
A range of services adapted to your needs
From traffic engineering to intersection construction, TSL can provide the full range of services you need. We have a range of infrastructure services and we’re always happy to discuss your unique needs with you. Simply contact us to discuss your next project.
Expanding Road Life Expectancy & Cleaning Paved Areas
Flushed or bleeding road surfaces can result in reduced skid resistance and increased water spray and may create additional problems in applying subsequent treatments. Current and future climate conditions indicate this will become an even bigger problem as time goes on. Traffic System’s Bitumen Flushing System will remove any excess binder agent to re-expose the aggregate as a cost-effective way to recondition your road or paving surface.
Whether you need road markings or tyre marks removed from an asphalt or paved surface or a road surface reconditioned/resurfaced contact one of the Traffic Systems team to discuss your specific requirements today.
Expanding Road Life Expectancy & Cleaning Paved Areas
Flushed or bleeding road surfaces can result in reduced skid resistance and increased water spray and may create additional problems in applying subsequent treatments. Current and future climate conditions indicate this will become an even bigger problem as time goes on. Traffic System’s Bitumen Flushing System will remove any excess binder agent to re-expose the aggregate as a cost-effective way to recondition your road or paving surface.
Whether you need road markings or tyre marks removed from an asphalt or paved surface or a road surface reconditioned/resurfaced contact one of the Traffic Systems team to discuss your specific requirements today.